Thursday, 18 August 2011

Where from the idea germinated?

Looking at the poverty in my country and other African countries I often used to think, whether we really have some permanent solution to this problem? Whether it is possible to completely eradicate poverty from the world? There are thousands of children on the streets of India who all do not have access to the basic amenities of life. Many even find it hard to get a day’s meal.

For many years a lot of NGOs are working to improve the economic condition of the poor people in India and Africa. But nothing substantial has been achieved so far. Rather the poverty has increased manifold and the money has run into the politicians’ pocket.

After some deliberation, what I found out that the real problem for this poverty is not lack of money but lack of education. What the poor people around the world need is not money but education. Education is the greatest impediment to their growth. If they get proper education they would learn to ask their rights from the crooked politicians, and this only can help in eradicating poverty.

Government around the world have made various policies and introduced new schemes to educate the poor rural children. But none of the policies have shown any substantial result. In India government has introduced the mid-day meal scheme to lure the poor children school. But even this has not proved worthy.

Children are the most beautiful creation of God. They do what they love to do. No amount of money or food can ever lure them to do something. Its love, love and love alone,…..

So, I came up with the idea of “Google Play School” a unique and fun-filled way of educating these poor children people around the world, who all make 50% of world population…..

Moreover every person in this world has a dream to learn something or the other. Someone wants to learn Guitar, someone wants to get some idea about Physics, some love music, my friend wants to learn Spanish,…and the list goes endless. What I want to imply here is that we all want to learn something new something we think that will make us complete.

So if we take the total world population which is around 7billion, then 7 billion people in this world wants to learn a thing or the other which is indeed a huge figure.

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